TASC - Think-tank for Action on Social Change
What we are
TASC is an independent think-tank whose mission is to address inequality and sustain democracy by translating analysis into action.
TASC’s Constitution presents its main objectives as:
Promoting education for the public benefit
Encouraging a more participative and inclusive society
Promoting and publishing research for public benefit
What we are for
As a public education charity (CHY 14778), TASC engages in research and public outreach concerning inequality, democracy, and climate justice in the current political, economic, and social environment. Through its work, TASC seeks to increase public knowledge of economic and social policy, improve working conditions, facilitate a just transition to advance climate action and protect livelihoods and communities, and more generally, contribute to positive social change in Ireland and the EU.
TASC regularly evaluates the work of other organisations that seek to improve service access to vulnerable and marginalised groups. In conducting research and practice-based evaluations, TASC consistently employs rigorous mixed research methods, including statistical analysis of government data, organising focus groups, implementing surveys, and conducting open-ended and semi-structured interviews.
TASC staff use such data to tailor policy recommendations and to propose specific interventions for government, civil society, and other commissioning organisations.
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