National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS)
Our Vision: For all adults to achieve their educational aspirations through an equitable lifelong learning system.
Our Mission: To advocate for the right of all adults in Ireland to quality learning throughout their lives, and to promote the value and benefits of lifelong learning.
Our Membership: Growing membership of over 600 organisations and individuals committed to lifelong learning. Our membership includes learners, tutors, and statutory, nongovernmental, community, and voluntary organisations from across the island of Ireland.
Established in 1969, AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation, is a non-governmental membership organisation that promotes that value of adult learning and advocates for the rights of all adults to quality learning across the tertiary education system. We have an unwavering commitment to educationally disadvantaged adults. We offer solutions-focused advocacy that is evidence-based, drawing on research and our extensive initiatives that engage with adults who have returned to education. AONTAS is a highly respected and connected non-governmental organisation at national and international levels. Our Strategic Plan: A Vision for Educational Equality (2019-2022) is informed by principles of social justice, feminism, partnership, valuing diversity, advancing equality and supporting social inclusion. We have expertise in educational equality, and we advocate strongly for community education as the most inclusive, yet underfunded, part of the education system.
AONTAS is committed to providing a voice for adult learners based on our vision of learning as being truly lifelong, and takes account of the myriad benefits of learning to health, personal development, social engagement and community development. AONTAS advocates for an inclusive, learner-centred lifelong learning system that enables adults to have a meaningful learning experience.
Over the course of 2022, AONTAS will deliver our Strategic Plan 2019-2022, A Vision for Educational Equality. Our work centres on three goals: Learner Voice for Action, a Thriving Community Education Sector, and Lifelong Learning for Sustainability. This will be achieved through four key complementary areas of work: Research, Capacity Building, Advocacy, and Communications.
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