Here is a selection of people starting new roles with Adare HR Management, Sidero, ESMA, Teagasc, and Cognate Health.
Michelle McDonagh has been appointed as senior HR client relationship consultant with Adare Human Resource Management. Michelle will be responsible for providing advice and guidance to clients nationwide on their organisational culture, strategic human resource and people management as well as supporting organisational performance. Michelle joins Adare Human Resource Management after successfully running her own HR consultancy, Aspire HR Consulting, for seven years. Prior to that, she was an associate director at HRP Group. Michelle is a Chartered MCIPD with over 15 years of experience and a proven track record in driving strategic HR initiatives for businesses. Adare Human Resource Management is one of Ireland’s leading HR and Employment Law consultancies, providing specialist and expert advice to clients across key sectors. It has offices in Dublin, Cork, and Shannon.

Wayne Byrne has been appointed as a chief commercial officer with Sidero, an Irish-owned software, cloud, and digital transformation specialist. He brings over 20 years’ tech experience in senior technical and business development roles. He joins from Sungard Availability Services, where he spent two years as regional vice-president of Europe for cloud services, leading a team across Western Europe, and the previous two years as UKI cloud services sales manager. He was part of the team which established run Sungard’s cloud services division. Prior to this, he was data protection country manager at EMC Ireland for four years. He will now lead Sidero’s new business sales and marketing division across the island of Ireland, plus expanding the company’s presence in the UK and Europe.

Derville Rowland, the Central Bank of Ireland’s Director-General (Financial Conduct), has been elected as chair of the Investment Management Standing Committee of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for a period of two years, effective from July. These committees are expert groups drawn from ESMA staff and member states’ national competent authorities. The Investment Management Standing Committee oversees the investment funds sector and develops policy and supervisory convergence activities. Ms. Rowland said: “The Central Bank of Ireland’s occupancy of this role reflects our commitment to contributing to the current international regulatory work on asset management and financial stability, which will be an important element of ESMA’s work plan in the coming period. It also reflects range and depth of knowledge in Ireland’s investment funds sector and its standing in European policy forums.”

Joe Kelleher has been appointed as an organic farming specialist with Teagasc, where he previously working as a dairy business and technology advisor based in the Limerick/Kerry advisory region. He joins Elaine Leavy as part of the national organic farming team in Teagasc, and will support advisors and work with organic farmers. He fills the position vacated by Dan Clavin who is on a career break. Joe holds a BagrSc from UCD. He has also completed a level 6 Specific Purpose Certificate in Facilitation Learning and a diploma in Leadership Development Level 9 from UCC/IMI. He has also worked as REPS planner, advising farmers on ways to improve the environmental impact of their farms. He will be joining the LIFT (Low-Input Farming and Territories) EU Horizon2020 project.

Dr Stephanie Maher has been appointed as a new permanent biodiversity researcher at Teagasc Environment Research Centre, Johnstown Castle, Co Wexford. She is an ecologist with a broad interest in the ecology and management of agricultural systems for biodiversity. She was previously an IRC fellow at Trinity College Dublin examining the status of wild bees on Irish farmland and their protection in policy. She has also worked as a postdoctoral researcher on the FARM-ECOS project, a multi-institute, Department of Agriculture-funded research project on biodiversity in Irish farming landscapes. She has worked in China at the Kunming Institute of Botany and Zoology. She holds a degree in Zoology from TCD, an MSc in Wildlife Management and Conservation from the University of Reading, and a Ph.D. from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Dr. Shane Farrelly has been appointed as a senior medical consultant with occupational health provider Cognate Health in response to the company’s rapid growth. With over 30 years of experience in occupational medicine, Dr. Farrelly will provide health-related advice and expertise to clients navigating the pandemic, along with informing risk assessment and policy recommendations in line with guidelines. He is a consultant and chief medical officer to several international companies. He is also helping companies in the UK and Europe introduce antigen testing to enable their staff to work safely. He has also been an independent medical assessor to the Irish State Claims Agency (2001) and the Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances (1991). In 2014, he became one of three senior medical advisors to the Health & Safety Authority.