How did you get started in your role?
After completing my level 8 degree in Business Studies, I began researching different career options. My father works as a Chartered Tax Advisor, which gave me an insight into the role and what was involved. After spending some time looking in to the Chartered Tax Advisor course I knew it was right for me.
Why did you choose to work with FDC?
I had been familiar with the company prior to starting and had heard great things. FDC is a company that offers its employees amazing opportunities and endless support. As a trainee, I worried I would be forced to focus on one area — however, the opposite is true. Working with FDC has allowed me to focus on many different areas of tax, all of which adds to my experience and contributes to my academic growth.
What are you working on at present?
As the Income Tax deadline has just passed, I am now largely focused on Capital Gains Tax and Capital Acquisition Tax projects.
What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job has to be the relationships I have with my clients. It is amazing to be in a position to add a personal element to your work. Since beginning in my role I have been lucky enough to take on some of my own clients. Most trainees may not be given the responsibility to do so, however, at FDC you are trusted with the responsibility. This has really grown my confidence in my career so far.
Is there a career moment you are really proud of?
A defining moment for me so far has to be returning to Griffith College Cork, where I studied business, to take part in their Careers Fair. Speaking to students about the many career paths available to them at FDC was an honour, and of course it was amazing seeing my lecturers again.
Where do you see your industry five years from now?
Five years from now, I see this industry thriving. As people become more aware of the massive role tax plays in their lives, they will seek out more support and advice. Since I began at FDC Group, our tax trainee department has continued to grow and that will hopefully continue.
What’s the best piece of professional advice you’ve received?
The best piece of professional advice I have received is ‘attention to detail.’ That really sums up this role. Tax work is highly dependent on paying attention to every detail, carrying out proper research and applying that to the issue at hand.
If you could go back in time and give yourself a piece of advice at the start of your career, what would that be?
To never doubt myself. Taking on a professional course whilst working a full time job seemed daunting to me at first. I was unsure if I could handle the pressure. Becoming a member of the tax team at FDC Group has really changed that perspective for me. Being around a group of successful professionals has shown me that although it is hard work, it is not impossible and is extremely rewarding in the end.
What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about interviewing for this position?
My advice would be to come in with a positive attitude and express a genuine interest in the role. As mentioned, FDC Group place great importance on their clients, you should show that you have good communication skills and are a good listener. Just relax and be yourself.
What would you say are the key skills and capabilities necessary to be good at what you do?
I would say some key skills would have to be problem solving, communication, adaptability and organisation. Creative and strategic thinking are great assets to have in this role also.
What is the best career lesson you have learned so far?
To recognise and own up to your mistakes. I have learned in this industry that it is best to act sooner rather than later. Any mistake can be fixed, and admitting to a mistake at the time can avoid further issues down the line.
Which industry professionals should people be following on Twitter/ LinkedIn?
I have found it is useful to follow political figures such as Michael McGrath, Minister for Finance and Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Public Spending and Reform. This can help you to keep on top of industry changes as they happen. The Irish Tax Institution also have a podcast Tax Talk which I would highly recommend listening to.
Is there a particular book or resource you’d recommend to someone early in their career?
The Irish Tax Institute offers a vast range of books that offer in-depth knowledge to each area of tax. Tax Find is an online resource that I use most days at work, the website offers access to any academic resource you could need, along with articles and commentary on various topics.
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