The winter coats have been fetched out and dusted off, the radiators are on full blast again for the first time in months and the rain seems to never end – there’s no denying that winter is well and truly upon us, and the chill is kicking in.
However, that doesn’t mean your job search should cool off in any way! With a number of exciting job fairs and career expos coming up, where recruiters will be showcasing some fantastic opportunities, be sure to keep putting yourself out there. Who knows, you dream job could still be waiting just around the corner.
Healthcare virtual jobs fair
WHEN: Tuesday, 31st October 2023
WHERE: Online
WHY YOU SHOULD GO: With Pfizer, Medtronic, Allianz and many more top employers taking part in this event, you can make meaningful connections within the healthcare industry and expand your network without even leaving the house! Whether you’re chomping at the bit and ready to do virtual interviews on the day itself for exciting new roles, or you’re a more passive jobseeker who’s simply curious about what opportunities are out there, you can get great results.
Australian Nursing Jobs Fair
WHEN: Friday, 17th November 2023
WHERE: Spaces, South Docklands, Dublin
WHY YOU SHOULD GO: If you’re interested in a working holiday down under that doesn’t involve the usual farm work, then there are plenty of options for you! If you have relevant nursing qualifications under your belt, you can obtain a visa to both work in Australia and explore its vast beauty as you travel from state to state. By attending this job fair, you can learn more about the documentation and budget required for your working holiday – and you might even arrange to have a nursing job lined up before you’ve reached Australia.
Entry Level Virtual Jobs Fair
WHEN: Friday, 27th October 2023
WHERE: Online
WHY YOU SHOULD GO: Accenture, Bank of Ireland and Primark are just some of the employers looking to fill their entry-level roles at this event. With a range of remote, hybrid and on-site positions available – as well as a chance to interview with hiring managers during the event – your perfect career match may be just a few clicks away!
Construction Jobs Expo
WHEN: Saturday, 18th May 2024
WHERE: RDS, Co Dublin
WHY YOU SHOULD GO: At this event, you’ll meet employers actively recruiting for hundreds of jobs at home and abroad within specialised areas of the construction and engineering sectors. There’s also a packed seminar timetable with a range of industry experts lined up to share their thoughts. If you’re looking to set up your own business in construction, there’ll even be a range of experts offering advice and support networks available to you at this event.